2021年2月2日 星期二

我的雜思筆記(72):wind battering an empty house

我的雜思筆記(72)wind battering an empty house


最近,我看了對生命經歷具有極具感性風格的美國當代女作家、詩人Tess Taylor,對當前Covid-19肆虐下之生命意義的體驗與描寫(Why reading is a place we still can go right now, CNN/edition/opinion),她提到了我在「天國的崩落」一書中評論Virginia Woolf的「去燈塔」(To the Lighthouse)的部分情節,我感觸很深:對生命中時間流逝的感傷與反思。

And indeed, time has been torn. How do we language that? Where I am it is eerily silent. Walking the abandoned streets of my neighborhood early in the morning, I can only feel that we've entered the "time passes" section of a life here, one that reminds me of the Time Passes section of Virginia Woolf's 1927 novel "To the Lighthouse," a whole section that describes the world from the point of view of wind battering an empty house. "Time passes" -- this suspends the characters' desires and crafts the enormous juncture between states.


"wind battering an empty house"(狂風肆虐一間空洞的房子),是一個豐富的意象,可以多方的聯想。我的聯想是:無情的肆虐,(或對「生命之空洞化」的教訓……..)


Tess Taylor

